How to Attract the Ideal Client as a Freelancer

Freelancer Expectations: You finally took the plunge and started your own business as a freelancer. Embarking on a wonderful journey: flexibility, creative control, freedom. Independence. And most importantly: The perfect clients that you can’t wait to work with.

Versus Freelancer Reality: Juggling several projects at once and continually looking for new projects to maintain a steady flow of work. Not being able to sustain personal life and work balance. Working 24/7. And most importantly: Having to deal with problematic clients that drain your energy and will to live another day.

Your ideal cult-like clientele is out there and waiting to be found.

This is the ultimate guide on how to attract the ideal client as a freelancer.

Be very specific about your niche.

Vague generalizations may be tempting as you might get the impression that they’ll get you a wider range of audience but trust me, that’s the last thing you need. Possess a clear, specific mindset about who you are as a brand and that’s the first step to attracting the right clientele.

Be authentic.

Your ideal client values authenticity over perfection. When you start working on a project try the following approach: Get a pen and paper and brainstorm ideas, jotting down anything and everything that comes to mind. Then try to filter those ideas, arrange them, connect the dots and come up with a plan. If you start the creative process by googling ideas you will end up delivering an unoriginal project that someone else came up with. Share your ideas with your client, ask for their input and try to incorporate them into the final result.

Be eclectic.

You get to choose your clients as much as they get to choose you. It won’t be like that in the beginning but if you sustain that mindset, you will eventually get there. In the beginning, you will probably take any job, or any client to get you started and pay the bills. But as your brand grows, remember to be eclectic and interview each client before you commit to working with them.

Connect with your audience.

No matter how busy life gets, you should always make time and be available to connect with your audience. Social media and your website are your most valuable tools to maintain that connection. Update them often with posts and stories, clips from your day-to-day life and work life. Don’t look for likes and numbers. Look for real, true connections. Text or email your clients on a weekly basis to check on them. Always ask for feedback and accept it gracefully.

Learn to say NO.

Hard, I know. I really do know. But setting boundaries and being realistic with what you can or want to do is more efficient than coming up with excuses, beating around the bush or compromising. It takes practice. Then it’s freeing.

Be consistent.

Yes, life gets in the way and you might get tired but consistency is not something you want to sacrifice. It should be easy as long as you commit to something you are passionate about. If you feel like you’re slipping away, take a day or two off work to recharge instead of not giving your all to the project.

Go Get Them!

By creating a trustworthy, reliable and high-quality brand experience you attract trustworthy, reliable and elite clients. So, in the end, it all starts with you. You’ve got this!

Until the next one,





Creative Team Building: Music Magazines