The Feedback Loop

The Feedback Loop & Why Constructive Criticism is Important.

Hey freelancers and Creatives!

So, you developed your skills, you’ve kept yourself motivated and organized and tracked performance results.

What’s next?

Once you establish your short-term goals in your business and get a sense of momentum, it’s time to start paying attention to how your work affects external and internal customers.

By better understanding the value of your work and how that affects others, you get a better sense of purpose hence becoming more efficient and aware of your professional surroundings.

Set the stage for a feedback loop.

Connect and communicate with your clients and employees. Both sides chose to work with you for a specific set of reasons, but often those reasons get lost in the fluff of setbacks, daily projects and routines.

And it’s your responsibility to pull it back and get on track. Gather feedback and connect the dots.

But is all feedback useful feedback?

Feedback is a tool for continued learning, but not all feedback is authentic, so you gotta learn how to filter constructive criticism from the noise. Trust me there’s going to be a lot of noise. People like to talk and be heard. Some will see this as an opportunity to feel important and show off a false sense of expertise. Again, it’s your responsibility to learn how to tell apart the ones that actually want to provide valuable feedback from the ones that reflect their personal insecurities about your work.

Create a feedback loop by being consistent, open, and grabbing every opportunity to create a personal connection with each individual to build a genuine sense of community and trust.

Then go further.

SEEK THE WHYS. Why did they like this particular product or service? Why did they not?

SEEK THE HOWS. How can I keep delivering the same value that made the customer happy? How can I improve the things that did not work out as expected?

This is how you sustain a competitive advantage and grow as a professional while staying true to your values.

Until the next one,



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