Wear your Beliefs: The Deeper Meaning of Fashion.

Fashion: it's more than just a shirt or a pair of shoes. It's a way to shout your message from the rooftop in a creative, whimsical way. It's a shield against the outside world, armour to protect and project your true self. Whether you're a haute couture queen, a rebellious punk, or somewhere in between, fashion is the megaphone for what you want to say. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who has ever felt powerful in the perfect outfit.

Trust me, it's not just a piece of clothing.

They say clothes make the man (or woman), but it's more than that - it's a language!

Fashion is our way of communicating our beliefs, aspirations, and even our social status. It's like a non-verbal game of charades that we all play, where every piece of clothing tells a story. And let's be real, we're all guilty of categorizing people based on their wardrobe choices (judgment free zone here). So whether you're a haute couture connoisseur or a rebel, remember that your fashion choices or the lack of, speak volumes about who you are.

Picture this: I worked as a chef in a food industry where we were stripped of all individuality the moment we put on our uniforms. No personal preferences, no social status, just a bunch of knife-wielding cooks defying the laws of physics. In a workplace where even men couldn't grow a beard or have long hair, and women had to trade their sexy bodycon dresses for baggy uniforms, we were all equal. Long sleeves covered tattoos and battle scars, but it didn't matter. We were all just kitchen machines, cooking up a storm.

This of course comes with a blend of ambivalent outcomes.

On the one hand, you might miss the chance to instantly identify the ones that have the exact same interests as you on the other you might end up getting to know all sorts of people that you otherwise wouldn’t in a million years.

And get to learn from them, expand your horizons and feed an intensely inquisitive mind.

Speaking from experience, and I think I’ve mentioned this before, take me to a punk/metal venue and rest assured that I will be comfortable enough to make five new friends within an hour, as I take for granted that we have plenty in common and a bunch of stuff to talk about, including how “The Ramones” had a song for every letter of the alphabet. If you bend the rules for U, V, and X, that is.

But would I approach the girls with their lace skater dresses sipping expensive lattes at a hip café with the same lack of precaution? Probably not. At least the old version of me wouldn’t as I now strive for an open mind for a different view and nothing else matters.Sure, it's a bit of a gamble, but isn't that what life is all about?

Fashion is the life of the party and everyone's invited, whether you're sporting the latest trends or rocking your birthday suit.

Even choosing to fly solo from the fashion scene is a statement in itself.

So come one, come all and let's dance the night away in our stylish garb (or lack thereof).

Until the next one,



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