Picking Our Clients: Escapist's Dream or Strategic Reality?

Is it just wishful thinking for freelancers to pick their clients, or can it become a reality? At Chelfdom, we've reached a point where we can be selective about who we work with.

But let's be real – it wasn't always like this.

We hustled through low-paying gigs and tough clients to build our reputation. Now, with the ability to choose our clients, we reflect on the journey that got us here. It's a testament to hard work and persistence, reminding us that the freedom to choose clients is earned, not given.

Method 1: Proactive Approach

We Pitch First

We take the initiative to seek out projects that ignite our passion. By actively scouting brands and companies that align with our values, we proactively pitch our services when the timing feels right. While we do consider incoming offers, we prioritize projects that resonate deeply with us. It's not just about the paycheck; we seek products or causes that genuinely captivate us, such as those promoting sustainability, and that we'd personally endorse or use ourselves.

Method 2: Patience and Ditching FOMO

We exercise patience and discernment when it comes to accepting projects. Rather than hastily filling our schedules with any opportunity that arises, we recognize the value of leaving room for the right projects to emerge. This approach allows us to secure better deals and collaborate with superior clients in the long run. While it may be tempting to say yes to every offer for fear of missing out, we've learned to trust our instincts. Through past successes and oh-so-many failures, we've worked on our intuition to recognize when a client or project isn't the right fit. Politely declining such opportunities ensures that we remain available to say yes to the perfect client when they come along.

Method 3: We Do our Research

Before diving into a project, we do our homework:

Know the Client: We dig into who they are, what they stand for, and how they operate.

Check Compatibility: We see if our goals and work styles match up.

Method 4: This might be controversial but another thing we do is we do not accept lower-paying projects from well-known companies just for the prestige.

When prestigious companies come knocking with lower-paying gigs, it's a tempting offer for us as freelancers looking to boost our reputation. But is it worth it?

Sure, landing a project with a big-name brand can make our portfolio shine and open doors for future gigs. It's like a badge of honor that says, "We're good enough for them." But here's the catch: by settling for less pay, we might be selling ourselves short.

Think about it: every hour we spend on a low-paying project is time we could've used to chase better opportunities or improve our skills. And let's not forget about the financial strain. Sure, the brand might be top-notch, but if the paycheck doesn't match the effort, it's a lose-lose situation.

It's not just about the money, though. By accepting peanuts for our hard work, we're contributing to a cycle of undervaluing freelancers everywhere. Plus, there's no guarantee that the exposure from a big brand will pay off in the long run.

So, while it's tempting to bask in the glow of big-name clients, we need to think long and hard before accepting lower-paying projects. It's all about finding the right balance between prestige and pay to ensure our career keeps soaring. Quite often we prioritize working with smaller clients to help them bring their vision to life and it is so refreshing to see them flourish and grow. So, we get the prestige and credit after all…

To sum it up simply, our goal isn't to show off or act superior. We're all about making smart choices and valuing our work. When we choose clients wisely, we're showing them how much we value what we do. By being selective about the clients we choose to work with, we demonstrate our commitment to delivering excellence and building meaningful, long-lasting relationships. This leads to strong, trusting relationships that benefit everyone involved.

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Or dive into our PORTFOLIO for some inspiration!

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