The Art of Photographing Beauty Recipes

I recently collaborated with a wonderful brand to develop, style and shoot beauty recipes using natural, sustainable ingredients. As I was sharing a few pictures of my work on my Instagram, I received an overwhelming number of messages asking about this part of my work. So, I decided to write a blog post and dive deep into the world of photographing beauty recipes.

Visuals Matter in Beauty

In today's visually-driven world, the beauty industry thrives on captivating imagery that entices and inspires consumers. From skincare routines to makeup tutorials, visuals play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and influencing purchasing decisions. In this digital age, where social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest dominate in advertising , the demand for stunning visuals has never been higher.

For me, it was a natural progression from styling and photographing food to beauty-related shoots. When the project is right I am more than happy to offer a holistic packet to meet my client’s needs.

“Photographing beauty recipes is an art form that goes beyond mere documentation—it's about storytelling through imagery.”

The ability to capture the essence of a product, the texture of ingredients, and the transformative effects is paramount in engaging audiences and fostering brand loyalty. In this article, I am going to delve into the intricacies of photographing beauty recipes and explore how compelling visuals can elevate content, spark curiosity, and drive engagement in the competitive landscape of the beauty industry.

The Importance of Photography

High-quality images are essential for showcasing beauty recipes effectively for several reasons.

·        Firstly, visuals are the primary way consumers interact with products in the digital realm. A well-captured photograph has the power to convey texture, color, and application techniques, allowing potential customers to envision themselves using the product.

In the beauty industry, where the emphasis is on aesthetics and results, compelling imagery is key to communicating the benefits of a particular recipe. Whether it's a nourishing face mask, a vibrant lipstick shade, or a luxurious body scrub, the right photograph can evoke desire and curiosity in viewers, compelling them to explore further.

·        Moreover, in an oversaturated market flooded with countless beauty products, eye-catching photography can set a brand apart from the competition. It acts as a visual representation of the brand's identity, conveying its values, aesthetic, and overall ethos.

·        Ultimately, high-quality photography not only enhances the visual appeal of beauty recipes but also serves as a powerful marketing tool, driving engagement, building brand recognition, and ultimately, driving sales.

Equipment and Setup

At the Chelfdom, we believe in simplicity when it comes to capturing beauty products. Our setup consists of essential equipment that ensures high-quality results while maintaining a minimalist approach.

For cameras, we rely on a DSLR or mirrorless camera with a high-resolution sensor to capture intricate details and vibrant colors accurately. These cameras offer versatility and flexibility, allowing us to adjust settings to suit different shooting conditions.

In terms of lighting, we prioritize natural light whenever possible. However, to enhance and control the light in our studio, we use a softbox and reflectors. The softbox helps diffuse harsh light, creating soft, even illumination, while reflectors bounce light back onto the subject, reducing shadows and adding dimension.

When it comes to backdrops, we opt for simple and neutral options that complement the product without overpowering it. We often use clean white or neutral-colored backdrops to keep the focus on the beauty recipe being photographed.

In addition to basic equipment, we incorporate unique props that align with the brand's aesthetic and messaging. These props, such as natural elements like flowers, earthy textures, or subtle accents, add interest and context to the composition without distracting from the main subject.

In our photography process, we play with light and shadow to create depth and dimension in the images. By strategically positioning the light source and adjusting the angle, we highlight the recipes features and textures, resulting in captivating visuals.


At Chelfdom, styling plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of beauty recipes. Our approach focuses on highlighting the product's features and benefits while creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing composition.

We begin by thoroughly understanding the brand's identity, target audience, and the specific message the beauty recipe aims to convey. This understanding guides our styling decisions and ensures that the final images align with the brand's vision.

When styling beauty recipes, we pay close attention to elements such as composition, color palette, texture, and arrangement. We aim to create visually striking images that evoke emotions and capture the audience's attention.

One key aspect of our styling process is maintaining simplicity and elegance. We avoid clutter and unnecessary distractions, allowing the product to take center stage. Clean lines, minimal props, and subtle accents are used to enhance the product's allure without overwhelming the viewer.

We also experiment with different angles and perspectives to showcase the recipes and the hero ingredient from its best angles. Whether it's a close-up shot highlighting intricate details or a wider shot capturing the product in its entirety, we strive to create dynamic and engaging visuals that resonate with the audience.

Overall, our styling approach is driven by creativity, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the brand's identity. By combining these elements, we create stunning images that effectively communicate the essence of the beauty recipe and captivate the audience's imagination.

Creative Ideas

When it comes to beauty recipes like face masks, we brainstorm creative compositions and styling techniques to make the products shine. Each brand is unique, and we tailor our approach accordingly. For example, with this client, we highlighted the natural glow of honey and emphasized how DIY beauty recipes are sustainable, budget-friendly, and effective. By showcasing these elements in our compositions, we aim to capture the attention of our audience and convey the brand's message effectively.

Thinking Outside the Box

We feel that innovation is key. We constantly strive to push boundaries and explore unconventional ideas to create captivating visuals. Whether it's experimenting with unique angles, incorporating unexpected props, or playing with unconventional lighting techniques, we believe in thinking outside the box to produce imagery that stands out. By embracing creativity and daring to explore new approaches, we aim to capture the essence of each beauty recipe in a way that resonates with our audience and leaves a lasting impression.

Should you invest in creative direction, styling  and photography?

If you have an amazing product that you would like to promote further and unlock the full potential of your brand, then yes! If your niche is in the health, beauty or wellness space, it’s definitely worth it and it will increase the value of your brand and your status. This way you will enhance your visual storytelling, and ultimately drive greater engagement and success in the competitive beauty market.

If you found this article helpful you might enjoy these too:

The Art of Storytelling Through Visuals: How Chelfdom Crafts Compelling Narratives.

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How to Colour Curate Anything: Tips from a Creative Director.

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The Recipe for Success: How a Custom Cookbook Elevates Your Brand


Or dive into our PORTFOLIO for some inspiration!

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